Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Cut hair, cut hair, cut hair, CUT HAIR!!!

today, i am prepared to cut my long hair away!
i know, i sweared not to cut them off.
but, i seriously need a new style!
i need new hair cut to make myself more presentable and OF COURSE!! prettier.
so, i made a pact with EK today.


oh my...
i plan to cut it short so that it is easier to maintain and i MIGHT colour my hair too.
now the question is, what kind of hairstyle should i cut and what colour should i colour?

here are some of the criteria and guidelines that i have:
1) short hair, around my neck

2) must be stylish and refreshing

3) must look very different from my present state *durh..*

4) hair colour should not be too exaggerating

5) hair colour must be soothing and attractive

6) the new hair cut must allow me to bewitch and allure people esp handsome males
on the street.
--> so that i can inviegle a free pass to get their numbers
--> not for own use anyway.
--> i can pass them to my friends and they can get.. you know!!

7) the new look will have to be able to ward off obtruder into our relationship
ESPECIALLY when EK goes for the Arts Camp.
--> i am being femininely gentlemenly to state obstruder

8) the new look must make me look slimmer *very important..*
--> dont want to look like some fat-ass with a lump of hair on my hair
--> gosh! that's a nightmare

9) the new look must land me better luck and fortune.

my new look must allow me to win TOTO alone!
--> so that i can pay my tuition fees.
--> so that i can pay for my piano fees and exam fees *damn expensive la!*
--> so that my parents can stop working and look after my troublesome BRODA
--> so that i pay off my parent's debt
*house loan, electricity and water bill, phone bills, bro's tuition fees*
*miscellaneous fees to that town council, wah!! so much!! *
*that's why i have to win that TOTO, alone. get it!*

i guess that's too much to ask for.
ermmm, the last point is actually the MOST ESSENTIAL AND IMPORTANT..


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